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Our intelligent customer engagement platform empowers you to learn about each customer in real time so you can connect with them anywhere they are with the right message, sent at the right time.

Customer Relationship Management, Email Service Provider, Customer Data Platform, Loyalty, Other
Certified Partners

Developed by: Jason Shugars

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About Blueshift

With unified customer data, AI-powered decisioning, and cross-channel delivery all in one place, you can create truly personalized and impactful customer interactions at scale. Upgrade your customer engagement using AI.

With our flexible platform, you can start small and easily grow, or start big. Say goodbye to a costly patchwork of point solutions and hello to an intelligent customer engagement platform with Blueshift.

Blueshift and Attentive Mobile

Blueshift and Attentive partner better together to segment and send rich customer messaging across all channels, sending the right message to the right customer at the right time.